Nissan Versa Brake Pads And Rotors Cost

The average cost for a Nissan Versa brake pad replacement is between $138 and $180. Labor costs are estimated between $61 and $78 while parts are priced at $77. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific vehicle or unique location.

Nissan Versa brakes are an important part of your car’s safety system, and it is important to keep them in good working order. Depending on how often you drive and the conditions you drive in, your brake pads and rotors may need to be replaced more frequently than other parts of your car. The cost of replacement can vary depending on the type of brakes you have and where you have them replaced.

If you have Nissan Versa brakes that need to be replaced, the cost will likely be between $200 and $300. This includes the cost of new pads and rotors, as well as labor costs for installation. You may be able to find a cheaper price if you shop around or do the work yourself, but it is important to make sure that you get quality parts so that your brakes will work properly.

How to Replace Front Brake Pads & Rotors 12-19 Nissan Versa

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Brake Pads And Rotors on a Nissan?

On average, it costs about $200 to replace the brake pads and rotors on a Nissan. The cost will vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the specific parts that need to be replaced. If you have a high-end car, or if your brakes are in particularly bad shape, the cost could be closer to $1000.

However, if you’re simply replacing the pads and not the rotors, the cost will be much less – typically around $100 or less.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Rotors on a Nissan Versa?

The average cost for a Nissan Versa rotor replacement is between $349 and $457. Labor costs are estimated between $158 and $200 while parts are priced at $191.

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Brakes on a Nissan Versa?

The average cost for a Nissan Versa brake replacement is between $350 and $450. This includes labor costs and the price of parts. The exact cost will depend on the year, make and model of your car, as well as the severity of the damage.

How Much Should It Cost to Replace Brake Pads And Rotors Labor?

The average cost for brake pad and rotor replacement is about $300. This does not include the cost of labor, which can range from $80 to $120. The total cost of this repair will depend on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the type of brakes that you have.

Nissan Versa Brake Pads And Rotors Cost


How Much Does It Cost to Replace Brake Pads And Rotors

If your car has been making strange noises, vibrating when you brake, or taking longer to stop than usual, it may be time to replace your brake pads and/or rotors. Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as the severity of the wear and tear, replacing just the pads may be sufficient. However, in some cases, both the pads and rotors will need to be replaced.

The cost of replacement will vary depending on a number of factors, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $400 for parts and labor. If you need to replace both the pads and rotors, you’re looking at a higher bill – upwards of $600 in some cases. Of course, if you’re comfortable doing the work yourself, you can save quite a bit of money.

A set of brake pads (without hardware) can be purchased for as little as $30, while a set of rotors can be found for around $50-$100. So if you’re up for a little DIY work (and have all the necessary tools), you could potentially keep your costs under $200 – still not cheap but much more manageable than paying someone else to do it!

Nissan Versa Brake Pads Replacement

If your Nissan Versa is due for a brake pad replacement, you’re in luck. This is a relatively simple and straightforward process that anyone can do with the right tools and instructions. Here’s everything you need to know about replacing the brake pads on your Nissan Versa.

Tools & Materials Needed: -Jack & Jack Stands -Lug Wrench

-Caliper Tool -Brake Pad Set -Grease

-Brake Fluid (DOT 3 or 4) First, you’ll want to make sure your vehicle is properly supported. Place jack stands underneath the frame on both sides of the car and raise it up until the wheels are off the ground.

Next, remove the wheel lug nuts with your lug wrench and pull the wheel off. With the wheel removed, you should be able to see the brake caliper – this is what holds your brake pads in place. Use your caliper tool to remove the top pin holding the caliper in place, then swing it out so that it’s not resting on anything (you don’t want it to fall and damage something).

At this point, you should be able to see your old brake pads. Take out each old brake pad by removing its retaining clip or spring (this will vary depending on your vehicle model), then simply pull them out of place. Once they’re out, clean up any grease or debris from around the caliper housing with a rag before moving on.

Now it’s time to install your new brake pads! First things first – if there was an anti-squeal shim attached to your old pads, make sure to transfer this over to your new ones (it should just peel off). Once that’s done, apply a thin layer of grease inside the caliper housing where each new pad will sit – this will help reduce noise and vibration when you’re driving. Then, simply insert each new pad into place and reattach any clips or springs that were holding them in previously. Finally, swing the caliper back into place over top of the new pads and use your caliper tool to replace the top pin/bolt that holds it all together.

Nissan Versa Rotor Replacement

If your Nissan Versa is in need of a rotor replacement, you’re in luck. This is a relatively simple and straightforward process that can be completed by most do-it-yourselfers. Here’s everything you need to know about replacing the rotors on your Nissan Versa.

What are Rotors? Rotors are an integral part of your vehicle’s braking system. They are essentially large disks that sit behind your vehicle’s wheels.

As you brake, the calipers squeeze the pads against the rotors, which slows down or stops your car. Over time, however, the rotors can become worn down from all the friction and will eventually need to be replaced. How Do I Know if My Rotors Need to Be Replaced?

There are a few signs that may indicate that your rotors need to be replaced: – Your vehicle vibrates when braking: If you feel a vibration in your steering wheel or seat when braking, it could be due to warped rotors. – Your brakes squeal when applied: A high-pitched squealing noise is another common sign of warped or damaged rotors.

– You see visible wear and tear on the rotors: If you can see cracks or grooves on the surface of the rotor, it’s time for a replacement. – It takes longer for your vehicle to stop: If it seems like it takes longer than usual for your car to come to a stop, warped or damagedrotors may be to blame.


The average cost of brake pads and rotors for a Nissan Versa is $200. This cost can vary depending on the type of brakes that your vehicle has. If you need to replace your brake pads, it is important to get them from a reputable source so that you can be sure they will last.

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