Assuming you would like an estimate for a 2006 Honda Civic front bumper replacement:
The cost of the replacement itself will range from $100-$600 depending on the make and model of the car. The majority of the cost will come from labor, which can be anywhere from $200-$700.
Overall, the total cost of replacing a front bumper on a 2006 Honda Civic will be between $300 and $1300.
The 2006 Honda Civic is a reliable and affordable car that is known for its fuel efficiency. If you need to replace the front bumper on your Civic, you can expect to pay around $200 for the part itself. The labor costs will vary depending on the shop you take it to, but you can typically expect to pay between $100 and $200 for labor.
So all in all, you’re looking at a total cost of between $300 and $400 to replace the front bumper on your 2006 Honda Civic.
How to Replace Front Bumper 05-11 Honda Civic
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Front Bumper on a Honda Civic?
Assuming you are asking for an aftermarket/generic bumper:
The cost of a replacement front bumper for a Honda Civic will vary depending on the year and model of your vehicle. A rough estimate for a lower-end model would be between $100-$200, while a higher-end model could cost upwards of $500.
If you have damage to your front end that requires more than just a bumper replacement, such as if your radiator or headlights are also damaged, then the repair costs will increase accordingly. It is always best to consult with a professional auto body shop to get an accurate estimate for repairs.
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Honda Front Bumper?
The cost of replacing a Honda front bumper will vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Generally speaking, bumper replacements can range in price from $200 to $600. However, if you have a higher-end vehicle, the cost could be closer to $1,000.
Additionally, the cost of labor will also play a role in the final price tag. If you’re looking to save money on the replacement process, you may want to consider doing it yourself. However, unless you have experience with auto body work, we wouldn’t recommend this option.
Is It Cheaper to Repair Or Replace a Bumper?
It really depends on the severity of the damage and what needs to be repaired or replaced. If it’s just a small dent or scratch, then repair is probably your best bet. However, if the damage is more significant, then replacement might be a better option.
Ultimately, it comes down to cost and what will get your car back to its original condition.
How Much is a New Bumper Honda Civic?
Assuming you are referring to a 2018 Honda Civic, the cost of a new bumper would be anywhere from $100-$600. This price range depends on the type of material the bumper is made out of (plastic, steel, aluminum, etc.), as well as the specific model of Honda Civic. For example, a 2018 Honda Civic Si Sedan has a starting MSRP of $25,195, and its front bumper is made out of polypropylene plastic.
In contrast, a 2018 Honda Civic Type R Hatchback has a starting MSRP of $34,990, and its front bumper is made out of aluminum. Thus, there is quite a bit of variation in terms of cost when it comes to replacing a damaged or missing bumper on a Honda Civic.

2006 Honda Civic Front Bumper Painted
Assuming you would like a blog post about painting the front bumper of a 2006 Honda Civic:
“Paint Your Front Bumper For Style and Protection”
Most people don’t think about their car’s front bumper until it’s too late.
By then, it’s usually chipped, scratched, or even dented. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your car’s appearance and protection. Here’s how to paint your front bumper in just a few easy steps.
You’ll need:
-A can of high-quality automotive paint
-Masking tape
-Newspaper or drop cloths
-Sandpaper (optional)
-A clean, dry rag
STEP 1: Clean the surface of your bumper with soap and water. If there are any old chips or scratches, sand them down with fine grit sandpaper until they’re smooth. Wipe the area clean with a dry rag when you’re finished.
STEP 2: Place newspaper or drop cloths around the area to protect your car from overspray. Mask off any areas you don’t want painted with masking tape.
STEP 3: Shake your can of paint well before opening it.
Apply several thin coats of paint to the surface, allowing each coat to dry completely before adding another. Be sure to follow the drying times listed on the can for best results.
STEP 4: Once all coats are dry, remove the masking tape and enjoy your new look!
2007 Honda Civic Front Bumper Replacement Cost
If you’re in need of a front bumper replacement for your 2007 Honda Civic, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $400. This will, of course, depend on the severity of the damage and whether or not you need to replace any other parts along with the bumper. If your car has sustained major front-end damage, it’s likely that you’ll also need to replace the headlight assembly and grill.
In this case, your total cost could be closer to $1000.
Fortunately, there are a few ways you can save on this repair. If the damage is minor, you may be able to get away with repairing just the bumper itself.
This will obviously be much cheaper than replacing the entire assembly. You can also check with your insurance company to see if they cover bumper replacements – many do! Finally, if you’re handy with tools, you may be able to do the job yourself and avoid paying labor costs altogether.
2006 Honda Civic Front Bumper Silver
If you’re in the market for a new front bumper for your 2006 Honda Civic, you might be wondering what your options are. You might also be wondering if silver is the right color for you. Here’s a look at the 2006 Honda Civic front bumper options and some things to consider when making your choice.
The 2006 Honda Civic came with three different front bumper options- black, silver, and chrome. All three colors are available in aftermarket versions as well. If you’re looking for a more custom look, painting your bumper is always an option.
But if you want to keep it simple, these are your three main choices.
When it comes to choosing the right color for your car, it’s really all about personal preference. That being said, there are certain colors that tend to work better with certain cars.
For example, many people think that black looks good on just about any car. Silver is another popular choice because it goes well with just about any color scheme. And chrome can add a touch of luxury to any car.
So which one should you choose? It really depends on what kind of look you’re going for and what will complement your car the best.
The cost of replacing a 2006 Honda Civic front bumper can range from $200 to $400. The average cost for parts and labor is around $300. If you are able to do the work yourself, you can save on labor costs.