The average cost for a Honda Accord drive belt replacement is between $298 and $374. Labor costs are estimated between $79 and $100 while parts are priced between $219 and $274. This range does not include taxes or fees, and does rely on a variety of factors including the type of car, the year it was manufactured, its make, model, and trim level.
If you need to replace the drive belt on your Honda Accord, it will cost between $200 and $400. The cost will depend on the year of your vehicle and whether or not you have a V6 engine. If you have a V6 engine, it will be more expensive because there are more belts that need to be replaced.
Honda Accord 2.4L Drive Belt (Serpentine) Replacement (I4) 2004 (2003-2007 Similar)
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Honda Accord Belt?
If your Honda Accord is in need of a new belt, the cost will depend on which type of belt needs to be replaced. The serpentine belt, for example, typically costs between $25 and $50. The timing belt, on the other hand, can cost upwards of $500 to replace.
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Belt on a Honda?
Assuming you are referring to a timing belt, the cost will vary depending on the model of Honda. For example, replacing the timing belt on a 2006 Honda Civic would cost between $300-$400, while replacing the timing belt on a 2006 Honda Accord would cost between $500-$700. The cost also varies depending on where you have the work done – at a dealership or independent repair shop.
How Long Does a Drive Belt Last on a Honda Accord?
How long does a drive belt last on a Honda Accord?
The answer may vary depending on the make and model of your car, as well as your driving habits. However, in general, you can expect a drive belt to last anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 miles.
If you have a newer car with a timing chain, then you may not need to replace the drive belt at all during the life of the vehicle.
When Should I Replace My Honda Drive Belt?
Assuming you are referring to the timing belt, Honda recommends replacing it at 100,000 miles or after 10 years, whichever comes first.

Honda Drive Belt Replacement Cost
Honda Drive Belt Replacement Cost
The cost to replace a Honda drive belt varies depending on the model of Honda vehicle. The average cost for a Honda Accord is between $450 and $550, while the average cost for a Honda Civic is between $350 and $450.
For a more detailed breakdown of drive belt replacement costs for specific models, please see below.
Drive belt replacements are an important part of maintaining your Honda vehicle. The drive belt is responsible for transferring power from the engine to the various components in your car, including the alternator, water pump, and air conditioning compressor.
over time, the drive belt can become worn or damaged, which can lead to decreased performance or even complete failure. That’s why it’s important to have your drive belt replaced according to your manufacturer’s recommendation – typically every 50,000 miles or so.
At first glance, replacing a drive belt may seem like a daunting task – but don’t worry, it’s actually pretty straightforward!
Most importantly, you’ll want to make sure that you have all the necessary tools and parts before getting started. Once you’ve got everything you need, simply follow these steps:
1) Disconnect the negative battery terminal to prevent any electrical shorts.
2) Remove any covers or other components that are in the way of accessing the drive belt (refer to your owner’s manual for specific instructions).
3) Use a wrench or socket to loosen and remove the old drive belt from its pulleys (again, refer to your owner’s manual). 4) Install the new drive belt onto all of the appropriate pulleys (make sure it’s routed correctly!).
5) Use a torque wrench to tighten all bolts/screws according to specifications – this is critical in ensuring that everything stays secure. 6) Re-install any covers or other components that were removed earlier. 7) Reconnect the negative battery terminal.
8) Start up your car and check for any leaks or abnormal noises – if everything sounds good, then you’re done! Replacing a Honda drive belt isn’t difficult – but it is important in keeping your car running smoothly. By following these simple steps, you can be sure that you’re doing everything possible to keep your vehicle in peak condition!
2013 Honda Accord Timing Belt Replacement
The 2013 Honda Accord has a timing belt that needs to be replaced every 60,000 miles. If you don’t replace the timing belt, it can cause serious engine damage. Replacing the timing belt is a pretty easy job that most mechanics can do in about an hour.
The cost of replacing the timing belt on a 2013 Honda Accord is usually between $200 and $300.
2008 Honda Accord Serpentine Belt Replacement
If your 2008 Honda Accord is making a squealing noise, it may be time to replace the serpentine belt. This is a relatively easy do-it-yourself repair that can save you money and extend the life of your car.
The serpentine belt is responsible for powering the engine accessories, such as the alternator, power steering pump, and air conditioning compressor.
Over time, the belt can become worn or damaged, causing it to slip or break. A broken serpentine belt can cause your engine to overheat or your battery to die.
To replace the serpentine belt on your 2008 Honda Accord, you’ll need a few tools: a ratchet and socket set, a wrench set, and a new serpentine belt.
You’ll also need access to the owner’s manual for your car.
First, locate the tensioner pulley near the front of the engine. The tensioner pulley is what keeps the serpentine belt tight against the pulleys.
Using a ratchet and socket, loosen but do not remove the bolt that holds down the tensioner pulley. This will allow you to release tension onthebelt so thatyoucanremoveitfromthepulleys easily. Next, removetheoldserpentinebelt from around all ofthepulleys exceptforone lastpulley called an idler pulley located nextto whereyoubeganlooseningthebolt holdingdownthetensionerpulley (see photo).
Finallyremovetheserpentinetensionerbolt completelyandpullofftensionerspring assembly(springwillstillbepressurizedsomewhat soresistremovingassemblyfrombolt hole). Witholdtensionerand spring removedyoucannow slidetheoldserpentinedownandout fromunderneathcar takingcarenottodropthebelton anyharshsurfaces asthiscould damagebeltingmaterial .
Honda Accord drive belt replacement cost can be quite expensive. The average cost for a Honda Accord serpentine belt replacement is between $302 and $377. Labor costs are estimated between $158 and $200 while parts are priced at $144.
This price range does not include taxes and fees.