The average cost to replace a Jeep Liberty head gasket is between $1,400 and $1,600. This includes the cost of the parts and the labor required to replace the head gasket.
If your Jeep Liberty is in need of a head gasket replacement, you can expect to pay around $1,500 for the parts and labor. This is a pretty big job, so it’s not something that you’ll want to tackle yourself unless you’re confident in your mechanical abilities. The good news is that once the head gasket is replaced, your Jeep should run like new again!
2005 Jeep Liberty Head gasket replacement part 1
How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Head Gasket on a Jeep Liberty?
If your Jeep Liberty is leaking oil and you think it may be due to a blown head gasket, the cost of repairs will depend on the severity of the leak. A small leak can often be fixed with a sealant, while a larger leak may require replacement of the head gasket. On average, head gasket repair costs range from $600 to $1,200.
Is It Worth Fixing a Blown Head Gasket?
When your car’s head gasket blows, it can be a costly repair. Whether or not it is worth fixing will depend on the severity of the leak and the condition of your engine. If the leak is minor and your engine is in good condition, then it may be worth repairing.
However, if the leak is severe or your engine is in poor condition, then it may be better to replace the engine. Ultimately, the decision whether or not to fix a blown head gasket should be made by a qualified mechanic.
How Do I Know If My Head Gasket is Blown on My Jeep Liberty?
If your Jeep Liberty is displaying any of the following symptoms, there’s a good chance you have a blown head gasket:
-White smoke coming from the exhaust pipe
-Coolant leaking from the engine (often appearing as green or orange fluid)
-Engine overheating
-Oil leaking from the engine
Is It Better to Fix a Blown Head Gasket Or Replace Engine?
There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to fix a blown head gasket or replace an engine. The most important factor is the cost. Replacing an engine can be very expensive, while fixing a head gasket is relatively inexpensive.
Another factor to consider is the severity of the damage. If the engine has sustained significant damage, it may be more cost effective to replace it rather than try to repair it. Finally, you should also consider the availability of parts.
If you need to replace an engine, you may have trouble finding a replacement if your car is older or less common.

2012 Jeep Liberty Head Gasket Replacement Cost
If your Jeep Liberty is in need of a head gasket replacement, the cost can vary depending on a few factors. The first is the year of your Jeep Liberty. For example, a 2012 model will have a different head gasket than a 2006 model.
The second factor that can affect cost is whether you have the engine replaced at the same time. If so, this will add to the overall cost. Finally, where you have the work done can also play a role in price.
Assuming you have a 2012 Jeep Liberty and are not having the engine replaced, here are some estimated costs for head gasket replacement:
-Parts: $200-$500
-Labor: $1000-$2000
-Total Cost: $1200-$2500
Of course, these prices can vary depending on the specific situation and should be used as an estimate only. If you are concerned about cost, it is always best to speak with your mechanic or repair shop beforehand to get a more accurate quote.
Jeep Liberty Head Gasket Problems
If you own a Jeep Liberty, you may have experienced head gasket problems. The head gasket is a crucial component of the engine, and when it fails, it can cause a number of issues. Here’s what you need to know about Jeep Liberty head gasket problems.
What is the Head Gasket?
The head gasket is a seal between the cylinder head and the engine block. It prevents coolant and oil from leaking into each other’s chambers and keeps compression in the cylinders where it belongs.
When the head gasket fails, it can cause all sorts of problems.
coolant leaks
compression loss
oil leaks
Jeep Liberty 3.7 Head Gasket Replacement
If your Jeep Liberty 3.7 is leaking oil or coolant, it’s likely due to a blown head gasket. Replacing the head gasket is a big job, but it’s one that you can do yourself with the right tools and knowledge. This blog post will provide detailed instructions on how to replace the head gasket on your Jeep Liberty 3.7.
Before you begin, make sure that you have all of the necessary tools and parts. You’ll need a new head gasket, cylinder head bolts, and torque converter bolts. You’ll also need a clean work area and plenty of time to complete the job.
Start by removing the engine oil dipstick and radiator cap. Then, drain the engine oil and coolant into catch pans. Next, disconnect the negative battery cable and remove the air intake ductwork.
Now you’re ready to start disassembling the engine.
Remove the timing chain cover and harmonic balancer bolt. Then, rotate the crankshaft until the piston in cylinder number one is at top dead center (TDC).
This will make it easier to remove the cylinder heads later on.
With the piston in TDC, remove the rocker arms, pushrods, and camshafts from their respective locations. Don’t forget to label everything so that you can put it back together correctly!
With those components removed, you can now take off each cylinder head individually.
To remove each cylinder head: first take out all ofthe bolts except for two in opposing corners; then loosen those final two bolts alternately until they are both loose; finally wiggle/rockthehead gently until it comes free fromthe block surface(take extra care with number four as there is an oil return line attached here). Again – be sureto keep everything organizedand labeled!
Now that both heads are removed, clean up any old sealant or debris fromthe block surfaceand installyour new Head Gaskets making surethey are seated properly(consulta diagramif needed). Torque specificationfortheseis 22 ft/lbs plus an additional 90 degreeswithasecondarytorqueof 33 ft/lbs plusanadditional90 degreeson justthenumberfourboltas mentionedpreviouslywiththe oil returnlineattachedhere.
While the cost of a Jeep Liberty head gasket replacement can be expensive, it is often necessary to keep your Jeep running properly. If you are experiencing problems with your Jeep Liberty, it is important to take it to a qualified mechanic to have the problem diagnosed and repaired.