The average cost for a BMW tie rod replacement is between $843 and $1,023. Labor costs are estimated between $132 and $167 while parts are priced at $711. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does assume that both the inner and outer tie rods will need to be replaced.
If you own a BMW, odds are you take pride in driving a luxurious and well-crafted vehicle. But even the best cars need regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly – and that includes replacing worn out parts like tie rods.
While tie rod replacement isn’t the most expensive automotive repair, it can still cost upwards of $200 in parts and labor at a dealership or certified BMW service center.
But there’s good news! You can save yourself some money by replacing your BMW’s tie rods yourself.
The process is actually pretty simple, and only requires basic hand tools.
Plus, new tie rods are readily available at any auto parts store. So if you’re looking to save some money on your next car repair, consider doing it yourself!
BMW Tie Rod Replacement
Can I Drive If My Tie Rod is Broken?
No, you cannot drive if your tie rod is broken. The tie rod is an important part of the suspension system, and it helps to steer the wheels. If it is broken, the wheels will not be able to turn correctly and you will not be able to control the car.
What are the Symptoms of a Damaged Tie Rod?
If you suspect your tie rod is damaged, pay close attention to how your vehicle handles. You may notice increased vibration in the steering wheel, as well as more play in the steering. The problem will likely worsen the longer you drive on a damaged tie rod.
In extreme cases, a broken tie rod can cause the wheel to come completely off the vehicle while driving. If this happens, you will lose all control of steering and braking, so it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and get your car to a mechanic as soon as possible.
How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Tie Rod on a Bmw X3?
If you’re the do-it-yourself type, then you can save some money by replacing your BMW X3’s tie rod yourself. The cost of the parts will vary depending on where you get them, but expect to pay around $75 for a new tie rod. The labor shouldn’t take more than an hour or two, so if you have to pay someone to do it, expect to pay around $100-$120.
What are Tie Rods on a Bmw?
The tie rods on a BMW are responsible for connecting the steering wheel to the front wheels. The inner tie rod is connected to the steering rack, while the outer tie rod is connected to the wheel hub. The tie rods are what allow you to turn the wheels when you turn the steering wheel.
Over time, the tie rods can become worn out and need to be replaced.

Tie Rod End Replacement Cost
If your car is starting to veer off to one side when you drive, or the steering feels loose and unresponsive, it might be time to replace your tie rod ends. This is a relatively simple repair that can be done at home with some basic tools, but it’s always best to consult a professional mechanic before attempting any repairs on your own.
The cost of replacing tie rod ends will vary depending on the make and model of your car, as well as the labor costs in your area.
In most cases, you can expect to pay between $100 and $200 for parts and labor. However, if you have a luxury vehicle or an older car with specialtie rods, the cost could be significantly higher.
If you’re experiencing problems with your steering, don’t delay in getting it checked out by a professional.
Replacing worn-out tie rod ends is a simple repair that can save you from more costly repairs down the road.
Signs of Bad Tie Rod
If you’re starting to notice that your steering is feeling a bit off, or if your car is pulling to one side, it’s possible that your tie rod ends are going bad. Here are a few signs to watch out for:
1. Steering problems – If you’re noticing that it’s taking more effort to turn the wheel, or that the wheel feels loose in your hands, this could be a sign of a problem with the tie rod ends.
2. Uneven tire wear – Another symptom of bad tie rod ends is uneven tire wear. If you see that the tread on one side of the tire is wearing down faster than the other, it’s likely due to the fact that the wheel isn’t tracking straight anymore. This can eventually lead to a blowout if left unchecked.
3. Making noise – Tie rod ends that are going bad will often make creaking or popping noises when you turn the steering wheel. This is due to metal on metal contact as the parts start to wear out.
If you suspect that your tie rod ends may be going bad, it’s important to have them checked out by a professional as soon as possible.
Not only can this help avoid further damage to your tires and suspension components, but it can also keep you safe while driving.
Inner Tie Rod Removal Tool
Assuming you would like a blog post discussing the usage and benefits of an Inner Tie Rod Removal Tool:
An inner tie rod removal tool is used to, as its name suggests, remove the inner tie rod from a vehicle. This can be a difficult and time-consuming task without the proper tool.
The tool essentially consists of a long, thin shaft with a hexagonal socket on one end. The other end is attached to a ratchet or breaker bar.
To use the tool, first locate the inner tie rod end.
This is usually located behind the steering knuckle. Once located, place the socket over the hexagonal nut on the end of the tie rod and ratchet or break loose. Once loosened, unscrew by hand and remove completely.
With the old inner tie rod removed, installation of the new one is simply reversed.
There are several benefits to using an inner tie rod removal tool rather than attempting to remove it without one. First, it will save you considerable time and effort.
Second, it minimizes wear and tear on other parts of your suspension system as there’s no need to disconnect anything else in order to remove the inner tie rod. Finally, it reduces risk of damage to yourself or your vehicle as you won’t need to apply excessive force in order to loosen or remove it – everything can be done relatively easily with this handy tool!
In conclusion, the BMW tie rod replacement cost can be quite expensive. However, it is important to remember that this is a very important part of your car and it is essential to keep it in good working order. By regular maintenance and inspection, you can avoid having to replace your tie rods prematurely.